The first review of my book
Here is the first review of my book, valuable as it is from a fellow hockey historian.
Victoria hockey book a long time coming
Posted August 19, 2019
Viewed 299 times
If there was a shelf in a bookstore for “Passion Projects,”…

My book is in the Hockey Hall of Fame (Archives)
I am pleased to announce that the D.K. Seaman Hockey Resource Centre in Toronto has received their copy of the book. I had a long conversation with Craig Campbell about the book and got terrific feedback from him. He said that what they really…

The official book “blurb”
The History of Professional Hockey in Victoria, BC: 1911-2011
by Helen Edwards
The History of Professional Hockey in Victoria is an in-depth examination of professional hockey in Victoria. It includes details on the different leagues,…

Books are now available
I am thrilled to announce that softcover books are now available. The retail price is $40.99 but I am selling for $40. For those in the Victoria area, I can deliver to you and save the postage. C0ntact me at heritagelady@gmail.com. For anyone…

Now I can start marketing
Today I took delivery of bookmarks to be used for marketing my hockey tome. It is a cut-down version of the book cover so reminds potential customers of what book they should choose. This is getting exciting!

It’s getting closer to reality
My book is now in production and should be out in under a month. Despite the size of my book, they have been able to keep the price quite reasonable. The hardcover edition will retail for $44.20 and the paperback for $36.15. That is less than…

The proof is finally ready
I feel like I have just given birth. The long-awaited proof of my book is finally ready for me to approve. I will be spending the weekend and some days nexxt week going over the document word by word to make sure it is as perfect as I can make…

It is getting closer
I have been assured that the final design will be ready this month. I certainly hope so, as I have been waiting for this day for a long time. I also heard of somebody else doing a book on a similar topic so want mine out there first. Of course,…

It finally looks like a real book.
I have fabulous news. Yesterday I received proofs of possible designs for the layout of the book. I am going to take a bit of time to examine both options and will likely take some features from each design. For the first time, I have seen the…

I think the manuscript is finally complete
I finished the live index and then re-read the entire manuscript catching a few typos and punctuation errors. It was like re-visiting old friends as I checked all the names and made sure they were spelled correctly. I feel like I now have 483…

Almost done the live index
I am so excited to be doing the live index for the last chapter of the hockey book. I have been getting faster with every day and am using the dreary weather as an excuse to sit and work. When I started this task, I never thought I would finish…

We are getting closer to a publication date.
The manuscipt has now gone through a detailed editing process and is now much more readable. I made a couple of suggested changes to the content to better describe different situations and have returned it to Friesen's for their next step. Progress…

I have done it!
For the last week, I have been selecting and formatting photographs for my book. Today, I submitted the completed manuscript including three appendices along with the photographs (134 in all). Having studied David Chilton's method of book…

Close to the finish line
I am so very close to being finally finished all the work on this project. I am just waiting for a couple of photographs to be enhanced and then I can finish inputting their tags in the appropriate places in the manuscript. Then it will go to…

Taylor Ellington interview
I completed another interview this evening. I spoke with Victoria-born Taylor Ellington who was drafted by the Canucks and ended up playing for the Victoria Salmon Kings. It was fun to talk with a young person and, yet some of the answers were…